Andreiwid Correa - A Collaborative Approach to Support Document Structuring Process in the Context of Open Government Data

elpub:4636 - ELectronic PUBlishing, June 22, 2018, Connecting the Knowledge Commons: From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure -
A Collaborative Approach to Support Document Structuring Process in the Context of Open Government DataArticle

Authors: Andreiwid Correa 1

The online availability of public data using unstructured documents and non-open file formats is still found in ma-ny government agencies what hampers so-ciety to consume data, as unlocking da-ta from them is not a trivial task di-rected to everyone. This in progress work aims at expanding a previous pro-posal by elaborating an important as-pect of a conceptual software architec-ture which is the collaborative ap-proach in the context of open govern-ment data. The contribution of this work is shown in the form of software requirements that make it possible for users in the open data community be in-volved with the entire data structuring process while government agencies pre-pare themselves to publish open data by default.

Volume: Connecting the Knowledge Commons: From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure
Section: Poster Abstracts
Published on: June 22, 2018
Accepted on: June 22, 2018
Submitted on: June 22, 2018
Keywords: Open Data,PDF,HTML,Software Archi-tecture,Collaborative, [ SHS.INFO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences

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