Thierry Bouche ; Evelyne Miot ; Célia Vaudaine - The Centre Mersenne, one year of operation

elpub:5534 - ELectronic PUBlishing, June 11, 2019, Academic publishing and digital bibliodiversity -
The Centre Mersenne, one year of operationArticle

Authors: Thierry Bouche 1; Evelyne Miot ORCID1; Célia Vaudaine 2

The article describes the results of the first year of the Centre Mersenne for Open Scientific Publishing, a diamond open access platform for scientific publications developed by Mathdoc, a joint service unit based in Grenoble (France).The Centre Mersenne was launched on 1st January 2018 to offer the scientific community a new open access publication solution for journals publishing in LaTeX and thus contributes to bibliodiversity.This article discusses challenges faced by the Centre Mersenne while implementing concretely its goals, refining its business model, and actions taken to address the needs of new journals.This article specifically focuses on the three new journals launched during that year, among which two newly-created and one ‘flipped’ journal, as well as two newly-migrated journals from Cedram, a dissemination platform for mathematics journals bound to disappear.

Volume: Academic publishing and digital bibliodiversity
Section: Practitioner Papers
Published on: June 11, 2019
Imported on: May 31, 2019
Keywords: Open access,scientific publication platform,scholarly publishing,open access journals,bibliodiversity,[SHS.INFO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences

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