Emmanuelle Chevry Pébayle ; Hélène Hoblingre - Personal data protection: are the GDPR objectives achieved amongst information and communication students?

elpub:6293 - ELectronic PUBlishing, April 18, 2020, Charting The Futures(s) of Digital Publishing - https://doi.org/10.4000/proceedings.elpub.2020.15
Personal data protection: are the GDPR objectives achieved amongst information and communication students?Article

Authors: Emmanuelle Chevry Pébayle 1; Hélène Hoblingre ORCID1

Since 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), European Union regulation, demandstransparency from companies and imposes new restrictions on data transfers (Botchorishvili,2017).The purpose of this article is to analyze the uses and representations of information andcommunication science students regarding the RGPD and to compare it with that of students inthe education sciences. This article is in line with the research on the Privacy Paradox and bringsnew elements of explanation thanks to the confrontation between two populations of students.In this perspective, a questionnaire was sent out to information and communication students andeducation sciences students. 70 students provided answers to 32 questions.More than two-thirds of the respondents gave a correct definition of the GDPR. They alsobelieved that personal data protection was a key matter. So much considered that individualsshould know the reason behind data collection as well as its use. Information andCommunication students are more numerous to be convinced than Education Sciences studentsthat training individuals is necessary. Indeed, those studying information and communicationare more prone, thanks to their curriculum, to understand the issues of personal data protection.Therefore, the students who a priori know the most are more aware of the need to improve theirknowledge through training. In general students had a fairly comprehensive view of the riskswhen lacking data protection. However, students were very divided on data monetization : 15believed it was legitimate while 23 had no opinion. Moreover, Information and Communicationstudents are much more likely to think that monetizing data is legitimate (13 over 54) comparedto 1 over 16 Education Science students.

Volume: Charting The Futures(s) of Digital Publishing
Section: Short Papers
Published on: April 18, 2020
Accepted on: April 18, 2020
Submitted on: April 18, 2020
Keywords: privacy paradox,big data,personal data,digital education,digital literacy,[SHS.INFO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences

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