Zsuzsanna Varga - Rethinking the Digital Divide: New Developments in East-Central Europe

elpub:6294 - ElPub - ELectronic PUBlishing, April 18, 2020, Charting The Futures(s) of Digital Publishing - https://doi.org/10.4000/proceedings.elpub.2020.14
Rethinking the Digital Divide: New Developments in East-Central EuropeArticle

Authors: Zsuzsanna Varga 1,2

My proposal offers to take account of developments in the digitisation of out-of-copyrighttextual material in East-Central Europe. Taking Western European digitisation as the norm andindicator of directions, my paper will argue that digitisation in East-Central Europe is behind, butthere is an increasing awareness of the need to make large-scale investments. The Hungariancase argues that it the National Széchényi Library is expected to lead the progress, and furtherresearch will provide comparative data about the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Based on projectdescription information retrieved from the site of knowledge institutions, as well as policydocuments communicated and held by professional bodies, I will attempt to assess the shorttermdevelopments and point at the pitfalls of these projected developments.

Volume: Charting The Futures(s) of Digital Publishing
Section: Long Papers
Published on: April 18, 2020
Accepted on: April 18, 2020
Submitted on: April 18, 2020
Keywords: digitisation in East-Central Europe,national and university libraries,digital divide,national initiatives,collection development principles,metadata provision,Czech Republic,Slovakia,Hungary,[SHS.INFO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences

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