Iva Zlodi - Towards a typology of edited books and conference proceedings according to the applied peer-review procedures

elpub:6300 - ElPub - ELectronic PUBlishing, April 18, 2020, Charting The Futures(s) of Digital Publishing - https://doi.org/10.4000/proceedings.elpub.2020.8
Towards a typology of edited books and conference proceedings according to the applied peer-review proceduresArticle

Authors: Iva Zlodi 1

  • 1 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences [Zagreb]

In the last years here is an increasing need to ensure a more objective and transparent evaluationof scientific research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. This short paper explores some ofthe underlying issues and suggests a study using the suvey method based on a sample of 146publications. The results of this study could contribute to the identification and describingdistinctive types of edited books and conference proceedings according to their peer-reviewprocedures, and thus to facilitate the recognition of their scholarly value and reliability.

Volume: Charting The Futures(s) of Digital Publishing
Section: Short Papers
Published on: April 18, 2020
Accepted on: April 18, 2020
Submitted on: April 18, 2020
Keywords: conference proceedings,edited books,peer-review,[SHS.INFO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences

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