Maíra Woloszyn ; Rosângela Rodrigues ; Berenice Santos Gonçalves - Analysis of typography in papers from open access Brazilian scientific journals

elpub:6306 - ELectronic PUBlishing, April 18, 2020, Charting The Futures(s) of Digital Publishing -
Analysis of typography in papers from open access Brazilian scientific journalsArticle

Authors: Maíra Woloszyn 1; Rosângela Rodrigues 1; Berenice Santos Gonçalves 1

  • 1 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina = Federal University of Santa Catarina [Florianópolis]

Scientific journals are the main form of recording and disseminating results of scientificresearch. After the advancement of digital media, their search, access, and navigation becameeasier and faster. This changes the way readers interact with the content. In this sense, theconfiguration of typography, an essential component of text-based publications, should facilitatethe reading and understanding of the information presented. Thus, this research aimed toformalize an analysis process for the application of typography in papers on electronic scientificjournals. Based on the literature review, an analysis structure was formulated. The analysisidentified the fundamental principles of application of typography as: legibility, readability,spacing and font size and information hierarchy. Subsequently, four electronic papers fromBrazilian scientific journals with different areas of knowledge were selected as objects of study.As a result, a potential application of typography for digital media was identified, but thispotential is not fully explored by the editors of scientific journals nor by the literature dealingwith the topic.

Volume: Charting The Futures(s) of Digital Publishing
Section: Long Papers
Published on: April 18, 2020
Accepted on: April 18, 2020
Submitted on: April 18, 2020
Keywords: typography,electronic scientific journals,scientific papers,analysis,[SHS.INFO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciences

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